Tuesday 14 February 2012

Running A Carbon Neutral Business In 7 Easy Steps

7 Step Guide On How To Become A Greener Business

Each and every business will carry out, on a daily basis, instance of carbon dioxide emissions (this is a greenhouse gas).

Since the turn of the century and before, it has become important for both business and its employees to take a look at their emissions see what they can do to reduce these and in turn reduce their carbon footprint.

To become carbon neutral, either as an individual or business, or indeed both, you can follow the following steps:  

Clean Energy: Obtain energy from suppliers that only use 100% renewable sources such as water, sun and wind. This type of energy does not pollute or contribute to climate change. Also look to use energy efficient light bulbs at home and on your business premises.

Eco Aircon : Use energy efficient air conditioning units. Any company who produce their units to meet ISO 14001 environmental certification will do.

Sustainable Insulation: Insulation manufactured using recycled glass and sand is both extensively produced and environmentally friendly. By insulating your property with this you will also reduce heat loss from ceiling, floors and windows.

Information Technology: Many IT products will adhere to Energy Star standards. When reviewing your IT infrastructure, be sure to include as many as these as possible.

Paper:Reduce the amount of paper products that your business uses on a daily basis by implementing a digital alternative. If you do have to use paper, make sure it is recycled.

Recycle: Be sure to recycle your paper, glass and plastic waste whenever possible.

Ethical Water: Use ethical water sources. Some suppliers are parts of schemes which puts part of their profits into clean water projects. Organic tea and fair trade coffee also helps.

Jivadental’s Bob Bhamra, a Surrey Dentist, is the UK and world’s first carbon neutral dental practice. Visit this website to find out more about he reduced his businesses carbon emissions.