Thursday 8 December 2011

Saving Money At Home

A Green Home: Every Little Helps


Hello World! My First Post.

Hello fellow bloggers and the World!

I had better start off with introducing myself.

I am Abbie, Abs or Abigail (only when I have done something wrong.) Since I was a little girl, I have always cared about the environment and the effects that we have on it. Which has now lead me to me career in working for the energy saving site, Find Energy Savings.

The personal world of Abbie revolves around family life, that includes, baking, crafts, cleaning and my family. I'm married to a wonderful man and have three beautiful children (or my little stars, as I call them).

What make's my blog so different from the other mother/eco/environmentally friendly bloggers out there? Well in truth, nothing, but I also think variety is the spice of life! My blog will be my views on the environment, energy savings, lifestyle choices and motherhood.

I hope that you all enjoy reading it and please feel free to comment and share your ideas, views and opinions with me.